Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
Remedia Publications was founded by two experienced special education teachers who recognized a great need for special materials that would help their struggling learners develop and improve basic skills. They believed that teachers know best when it comes to creating learning material, so they assembled a team of other experienced teachers and began developing unique learning products suitable for students in both special ed. classes and regular ed. classes.
The 46 illustrated lessons in this unit utilize a collection of maze, grid, word search, picture completion, figure ground, and position/direction drawing activities. While better reading and writing is encouraged, students will have a blast improving visual perception and fine motor skills. 48 pages.
Capture the interest of eager learners and reluctant learners alike with these humor-filled workbooks guaranteed to put a grin on students' and teachers' faces. These skill-based activities revolve around a set of comical characters who get involved in silly and absurd situations. Zany illustrations with humorous captions keep kids smiling, while solid practice activities teach important basic skills. The amusing characters have been given wacky and unusual names that are repeated often in all four books, giving lots of practice with certain letter group sounds. Math Word Problems: More than 200 wacky word problems are sure to give addition, subtraction, multiplication and division skills a wild workout!
Recognizing and reproducing patterns! Coloring, connecting the dots, and drawing activities are all used to sequence shapes, peg-patterns, geometric designs, and grids. With each of the 46 lessons in this unit, students develop skills in determining position in space, shape discrimination, constancy of form, and pattern repetition. Because the exercises seem more like puzzle games than work, students will have loads of fun while they learn.
Developing observation! Packed into this unit are 22 creatively illustrated lessons. Each boasts a drawing of a real-life situation, complete with familiar objects. From “a family’s TV room” to “folks sitting around a campfire,” students are given time to absorb the visual information from each picture. After putting the image aside, 12 questions are asked about what was depicted and students are asked to draw something they remember. Plenty of observation practice will be had by all as thinking and comprehension skills are given a workout.
This is the perfect way for students to learn about two and three-dimensional shapes. Using creative tracing and writing activities, your students will have a great time as they learn to identify, describe, and create shapes such as the square, circle, triangle, rectangle, oval, diamond, box, cone, ball, and cylinder.
For clarity, each shape is presented separately with varied practice pages for reinforcement. Cumulative pages of all shapes are included periodically for review purposes, and a pre/post test is included for assessment. So, let Remedia Publications help your students have fun learning the very important concepts of basic shapes with this easy-to-use basic skills book.
43 Visual Task Cards | Math Centers | Daily Warm-ups | Counting Coins | Money Math | Easy-to-use.
Help students learn to identify coins and count money up to $1.00 with these visual, hands-on task cards. Each task card challenges students to add a group of coins, then show what they know. Realistic coin images include pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and 50 cent pieces. A great way to focus on math standards in a fun and engaging way.
Includes 43 task cards.
Creating and interpreting graphs. The more than 30 hands-on activities found here introduce students to bar graphs, picture graphs, and line graphs. The exercises teach students to retrieve and communicate information in this useful new way. Students will also get practice with tallying and histograms. Fun is sure to be had by all as they learn to graph.
Loads of Practice + Fun Activities = Better Results!
Number searches, dot-to-dots, coloring activities, secret codes, number mazes, and more offer lots of skill-specific practice with computation. Skills include multi-digit addition and subtraction with and without regrouping and multi-digit multiplication and division.
Accuracy is key to completing each activity. Challenge students to get the answer right the first time. Great for students performing at grade level or those struggling with basic math concepts.
Math objectives are clearly stated on each page making it easy to focus on the skills your students need most.
Do your students struggle with solving math word problems? This unique step-by-step solution gives students the tools to understand word problems and actually enjoy working them!
With the help of just 6 easy-to-follow steps, students are able to break apart word problems and figure out the solutions. There are three levels of practice for the word problems in this unit. As the levels progress, they challenge students to apply the skills they learned in previous levels while learning new ones. This process will help students master problem solving.
Word Problems Include:
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
- money
- time
- measurement
Bonus pages offer students two different ways to apply the skills they have learned on the previous pages. The first set of review activities will ask students to determine if there is enough information to solve the word problem, and if there is enough information, students will solve the problem. The second set of review activities give students the chance to write their own word problems. Applying the skills developed in completing the previous activity pages, students will write a word problem using the information given.
Colorful Money Math Games | Math Centers | Counting Coins | 5 Ways to Play! Easy-to-use.
Reinforce money concepts with these fun hands-on games! Players will love adding up the coins on each game piece, then finding its matching value on another game piece. These hands-on games include images of real coins and offer players plenty of practice matching equivalent amounts of money, comparing coin values, and learning to quickly count change with values of $1.00 or less.
Game pieces feature four different ways of representing a value such as numerically with a dollar sign and decimal point, numerically with a cents sign, spelled-out in words, and visually with images. Realistic coin images include pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and 50 cent pieces. A great way to focus on math standards in a fun and engaging way. Perfect for individual use and small groups.
● Domino War
● Domino Match
● Chance It
● Domino Train
● Cash Match
Contents Include:
Real Coin Images
48 Dominoes
Money Values in Numeral & Written Amounts
Instructions for Up to 5 Ways to Play
Grades 2 and up
For 1 - 4 players
Visual Aids | Math Centers | Fun Games | Daily Warm-ups | Counting Coins | Money Math | Writing Values | Easy-to-use. Help students learn to identify coins and count money up to $1.00 with these visual, hands-on learning cards. Each printable card shows a group of coins and the various ways the coin value can be represented. A great way to improve math skills in a fun and engaging way!
These printable cards make excellent visual aids for direct and explicit instruction, remediation and review. In addition, cards can be cut into quarters and used for a variety of fun, hands-on games and tasks. Three game options are included with these cards.
Numerical Format: with dollar sign and decimal point
Numerical Format: with a cents sign
Spelled out in words
Realistic Coin Images: including pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, & 50 cent pieces
31 Colorful Learning Cards
Instructions for Several Games
Life Skills Activities | Consumer Skills | Reading, Writing, Math | Google Slides
Improve Everyday Reading, Writing, and Math Skills While Improving Consumer Skills… at the Same Time! These easy-to-use & visually interesting digital Task Cards give students lots of practice with practical application reading, writing, and math as it applies to banking. Bank Account Practice: Credit Cards focuses on everyday-life situations that involve understanding the different types of credit cards, understanding the bank’s credit card terms and what you will find on the cards, and how to fill out online purchase forms.
Students will learn the correct way to use each type of credit card, from bank cards to department store cards. After reading the word problem, students will need to deduce which card can be used in that particular scenario and how much it will cost them to use credit for that purchase.
Skills Include:
• Applying information to real-life situations
• Following directions
• Reading for details
• Finding relevant facts
• Solving word problems using the appropriate operations
• Writing numbers in different forms
We’ve done the work for you! Simply download these Google Slides and assign them to your students. Assign them all, or just today’s daily lesson! For additional flexibility, these slides can also be printed for in-class use.
Question formats vary from multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank – which requires students to drag a circle or word to provide the correct answer – and typing the answer into an answer box.
If you’ve been looking for a way to integrate technology into your lessons, this is your answer. And the best part is you don’t have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose pieces…it’s ALL DIGITAL!
Students read each high-interest story on a computer or iPad then answer the comprehension questions right on their copy of the slides. Teachers can see students’ answers in real time, or review them later. Slides can also be printed and used as colorful classroom worksheets. You can assign a set of slides to each student, so that they have their own personal packet.
Reinforce Consumer Math Skills with this Beginning Money Skills Game
It’s never too early for students to develop an interest in earning, saving, and spending money! With this game, players get realistic practice handling money. As student play the game, they add and subtract money as they take turns earning and spending money with tasks like giving the dog a bath or buying a movie ticket.
This game is open-ended and may conclude when one player has more than $20 or when one player has moved his or her pawn completely around the board.
Using games to teach and reinforce basic skills is a highly effective way to motivate students to learn! This game is ideal for 2-6 players, and is great for small groups and math centers.
Contents Include:
- Gameboard (Black & white and measures 8.5x11" for easy printing!)
- Instructions
- Spinner & Pawns
- Money (Black & white for easy printing if you don't already have play money.)
- 24 "Take A Chance!" Task Cards
- Blank / Editable Task Cards (So you can create unique instructions that grab your students' attention.)
Interest Level: 3-12
Over 200 addition and subtraction problems fill this comprehensive bundle. Both computation and word problems are included!
These sequential activities will help students build math confidence as they work toward mastery levels. Skills listings at the tops of each page let teachers easily target desired skills.
Spice up your basic math program with Market Math!
This fun and effective book teaches the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division through the use of real-life shopping situations. From peanut butter to paper towels, nearly everything you might shop for in a grocery store can be found on the colorful fold-out price list that generates over 500 math word problems! Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful price list to figure costs, total sales tickets, apply coupons, and more. So help your students understand the practical reasons for learning math as they "shop" their way to math success!
Reinforce your basic math program with Menu Math for Beginners! This fun and effective book teaches simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication through the use of real-life restaurant situations. Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful menu (included) to figure costs when spending money on everything from pizza to pancakes! The easy-to-read menu generates hundreds of simple rebus and word problems. Students are sure to improve their math skills as they gain an understanding of the practical reasons for learning math. Enjoy!
Spice up your basic math program with Department Store Math!
This fun and effective book teaches the basics of addition and subtraction through the use of real-life shopping situations. From backpacks to blow dryers, nearly everything you might shop for in a department store can be found on the colorful price list (included) that generates hundreds of math word problems. Students will have a great time as they refer to the price list to figure costs, total sales tickets, calculate sales tax, apply coupons, and more! So help your students understand the practical reasons for learning math as they "shop" their way to math success with this motivating and solidly-conceived book.
From burgers to burritos, nearly everything you might order from a fast food restaurant can be found on the colorful menus included in this practical math unit.
Contents Include:
- 43 Activities
- 2 Full Color Menus
- 2 Black-and-White Versions of the Menus for easy printing
Give students an opportunity to practice using math in real-life situations. Students will learn such skills as reading a menu, figuring food costs, making change, finding how much more money is needed to purchase an item, and computing how much money is left over after making a purchase. As students work the activities, their confidence in reading a menu and figuring the costs associated with it will increase.
Math objectives are clearly stated on each page making it easy to focus on the skills your students need most. Activities include basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication computations, as well as practical application word problems. For students who need a refresher on adding, subtracting, or multiplying money, step-by-step instruction pages are located throughout the unit.
Reading Level 1-2 | Interest Level 3-12
Spice up your basic math program with Market Math for Beginners!
This fun and effective book teaches simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication through the use of real-life shopping situations. Students will have a great time as they refer to the colorful price list (included) that generates hundreds of simple rebus and word problems. From soup to soap, students figure their costs and total sales tickets as they "shop" their way to math success! So help your students understand the practical reasons for learning math while improving their math skills with this motivating and solidly-conceived book. Enjoy!
Coins & Dollars Practice * Counting Money * Spending Money * Going Shopping * ‘Real-life’ Math Word Problems * Three Ways of Showing an Amount - words, decimals, cents * Equivalent Amounts *
Your students will love this fun and practical collection of colorful Google Slides activities! Designed to provide an introduction to the basic concepts of money, these step-by-step lessons are sure to improve students’ money skills as they practice adding money, matching coins to prices, writing amounts of money in three different ways, and ‘shopping’ then ‘buying’ items. In addition students get tons of realistic practice solving fun and practical math word problems. Check out the Product Preview to see TONS of sample slides. This is Part 3 of the 3-part sequential Beginning Money series.
Beginning reading skills, fine-motor skills, and early keyboarding skills get a workout too, as students read and follow simple directions, then complete the various math activities.
The coin images on each page are very realistic, and include both the old and newer versions of each coin. These realistic activities are suitable for students of all ages.
Don’t miss this terrific introduction to an essential life skill!
READY-TO-USE Google Classroom Activities:
If you’ve been looking for a way to integrate technology into your classroom, this is your answer! And the best part is you don’t have to print, cut, laminate, or replace when you lose pieces…it’s all DIGITAL! Simply download these ready-to-use Google Slides to your Google Drive and assign them to your students. You can watch them work on the activities in real-time or review them at a later time.
Skills Covered:
Recognizing Coins
Learning Coin Values
Counting Money
Greater Than / Less Than
Equivalent Amounts
Beginning Shopping Practice
Writing Amounts Three Ways: Words, Decimals, & Cents
Math Word Problems
Reading Practice
Following Directions
Fine-Motor Skills
Keyboarding Skills